55 Serious Reasons Why You Should Homeschool

Part 2 of 5


Almost the only reason left to public schoolers to promote their cause is that children need school for “social development”. In fact, the reverse is the case. Proof of this is a shocking statistic that shows the social results of the public school system – over 40% of males are arrested by age 23! Anyone who is arrested has almost no chance of ever getting a good, career job. Anyone who is a felon has massive trouble getting even a lowly job.

And remember that most serial killers went to pubic school.

Children learn best from adults, who love them. Not from children their own age who know as little as they do. In addition, children find it very easy to pick up bad habits from other children who didn’t have parents that are as good as you are. Let alone other children who are drug dealers.

This goes for manners and communication, as well as learning. Public school is an artificial reality that has little resemblance to the real world. It is the only time when children are surrounded only by children their own age. I think that many children experience the same thing that I did when they leave school – a feeling of loss of no longer being able to live in an artificial bubble. In the real world, people are continually surrounded by other people of all ages.

For proof that homeschoolers are well socialized, see “Homeschooling Grows up“.

Homeschooling Grows Up is the largest research survey to date of adults who were home educated. Over the last decade, researchers, professionals, parents, the media, and many others have asked repeatedly: How do homeschooled students turn out? Can a homeschool graduate get into college or get a job? How do they fit into society? Are they good citizens? Are they happy? In 2003, HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) commissioned Dr. Brian D. Ray, president of the National Home Education Research Institute, to conduct a study to answer these questions. The results of his research demonstrate that homeschoolers are succeeding.

Here’s a thought: If we are going to ask how well homeschooling teaches social development, we should ask the same question of group schooling. Here are some comments that were posted on a forum:

“And the public schools never produce socially awkward kids? We had plenty of them when I was in high school. And shrinks’ offices are loaded with people who were traumatized by schools. It is just not a good place for kids anymore.”

“Here in the USA kids LEARN how to commit crimes from their criminal class mates in public schools. The complete lack of parenting allows these hoodlums to get away with everything and anything they want. I watched all my friends’ children slowly being corrupted via public school. After seeing these once lovely, sweet, caring children come home cursing, smart mouthing, smoking, doing script drugs other kids had stolen from their worthless parents, I noticed how influential the brats they hung out with every day had become”.

“Are there some homeschoolers who are socially awkward? Are there some public schoolers who are socially awkward? The answer to both is yes. And since bullying is one of the many reasons that people decide to homeschool, it stands to reason that some of those socially awkward students find their way to homeschooling for that very reason. At home they are much more likely to be safe, respected, and able to develop into adults who aren’t broken by their childhood experiences.”

“I had kids in public school. They were mean to each other all the time. They were bouncing off the wall constantly. They would say things to each other that would make me step back and say my god, what am I doing wrong. Grounding didn’t phase them, consequences didn’t matter & they were only 7 and 8.

2 years of homeschooling and our friends came out for a visit with their twin boys who go to the same school I pulled mine from. They were disrespectful to their parents, loud, mean to each other and bouncing out of the booth at the restaurant. These 2 boys are the same age as my oldest.

So on the way home, my oldest asked me why those boys acted like that. Also asked why their parents allowed the back talk. Those boys were my public school kids. They must feed off each other and pick that shit up at school.

The change in my children is amazing. They have chores, responsibility, and if they need a few days to grasp math, we have that leeway. In public school if you don’t understand today’s math you’re screwed because tomorrow they are moving on without you.”

Want your child to learn honesty? Some public schools teach the opposite. This was posted on a forum in 2015:

“My son is 28. When he was in 2nd grade In tiny little town in central Texas, I found out they were having secret circle twice a week by the visiting school psychologist! Everything asked and told was a secret. I pulled him and his younger sis and homeschooled. It was called outcomes based education then , now it is called common core. I worked with 22 other mothers and fathers to change the system. All the way to the state level even though we homeschooled. We lost the battle with the public education system but he is a lawyer in Oregon now and very much okay and awake”.

One thing that homeschooling teaches that group schooling does not, is how to be self reliant and happy when on your own. This is a useful skill to have, since these days I know a lot of people who are so busy working, they no longer see their old school ‘friends’, even if they live close by. It’s worse if you move away. I remember how it took me years to adjust to being on my own and working for a living after 12 years of always having so many people around me, and – WHAM – the last day of school comes and everyone scatters and you never see most of them ever again.

To place under government or group ownership or control.


One of the most important parts of being socially adept is having a strong self esteem. Nothing builds a better strong esteem in a person than spending the first seven years of their life 24 hours a day with their mother. This builds strong feelings of love and safety. The lack of mother’s presence does the opposite. So the more of the early years that a child is homeschooled, the better.

Studies have shown that toddlers go into stress when their mother just leaves the room! (I’m sorry, I read this somewhere and can’t find a reference for this. If someone can send me a reference, I would be very grateful). That makes sense because nature programmed mother and baby primates to depend on their mother for survival. Stress is the greatest block to learning because it scrambles the brain. Love strengthens the brain and if a mother is not present with a child, she is communicating lack of love.


At school, many children either don’t ask questions, or don’t answer them, for peer pressure for fear of being wrong or being ridiculed and because there isn’t enough time for 30 children to ask all the questions they have. How can anyone learn if they can’t or don’t ask all the questions they want to? The best way to learn is to ask questions. Children who are homeschooled grow up with a good ability to ask questions, and with no fear of doing it.

And there is another side to this subject. At school, I loved asking questions! Because I was so good at getting the ‘right’ answer! And did that help me in later life? Quite the opposite! Because the right answers at school don’t have much application to the real world. I had to unlearn much of what I learned at school, and learn to question everything.

For example, if you asked a lot of people, what should you do when you are sick or have a body pain, the “right” answer would be to go to the doctor. Doctors are people who were very good at school in knowing the “right” answers. So they ended up getting selected for medical school and continued to learn more of the “right” answers – to ‘cure’ people with drugs or by cutting off body parts that didn’t work. The drug and medical research companies love this system because they make 2.2 trillion dollars a year doing it, in the USA. (This is from the excellent documentary Forks Over Knives ). But once you learn to question the system, rather than just look for the “right” answer, a person gets to start to learn about natural health and the power of natural health therapies such as kinesiology and muscle testing , which help the body to heal without hurting it.

Children who are homeschooled learn to not only ask questions, but their mind is free to roam to explore many new possibilities in all kinds of subjects. Here is a great article that talks more about this.


In her book, Mary Pride reports that (as of 2008), 2 million children are being homeschooled. That’s 4% of the population of children from Kindergarten to Year 12. That’s the same as all the children in the schools in ten of the smaller states! And this percentage grows every year at a rate of about 7%.


In 2005, 8% of people 12 and over used illicit drugs within the last month. Ref: www.cdc.gov

Most people will be introduced to drugs through school, or through ‘friends’ they met at school. Children at private schools can be more likely to be introduced to drugs, because they have more money.

From The National Center On Addiction And Substance Abuse at Columbia University. The Califano Report:

  • 1.7 million Americans are incarcerated in prisons or jails, more per capita than any other nation.

  • Nearly 80% of all prisoners in America are for drug related offenses.

  • Ten million people have been arrested for marijuana since 1965.

A woman I met told me that at the local high school in NE Florida, any child who does not do some kind of drug or alcohol “would not be considered normal”.

If you homeschool, you have vastly more control over what people your child spends time with.


Since 2003, former Judge, Mark Ciavarella Jr., received millions of dollars in bribes from private prisons for condemning 5,000 minors to maximum prison sentences, knowing that many of them will then spend most of their lives as a prisoner, bringing in billions of dollars for the private prisons. Many of these children sentenced to prison were done so for minor violations while attending one of the local public schools. In one notorious case, Ciavarella sentenced a 10-year-old to two years in a private detention facility for accidentally bottoming out his mother’s car. 


A survey mentioned in Mary Pride’s book found that 4/10 children feared violence at elementary school. Even if it is not physical violence, there is another kind of violence – the violence of taunts and hurts which hurt the soul. This is especially true in the early years, up to about 10 years old, while the child is growing in the love and self esteem and spiritual strength that you should be providing them.


Be with wise men and become wise. Be with evil men and become evil.” Proverbs 13:20.

People become like the people they hang out with. This can be an unconscious, as well as a conscious thing – like the way that people pick up the accents of those around them.

If your child goes to school, he will be daily spending time with the children of people who are lazy, immoral, liars, unloving, stupid, drug or alcohol users, unhealthy and maybe even evil. If your children are homeschooled, they will be spending most of their time with you, and people that you approve of.


You choose the curriculum. Or mix and match as you like. Or make up your own. You don’t have to teach canned garbage written by someone who is probably not as smart as you.


There are an alarming number of teachers who can’t pass basic competency tests. Teachers are not experts. They follow the text books just like you can do – only you can choose much better text books.


The net is continually reporting stories of children getting into all kind of trouble just for praying.