The Forward-Thinking Parent’s Guide to Helping Kids Make Positive Choices

Image via Pexels
By: Jason Kenner

Every parent is responsible for their child’s growth – and teaching them how to make positive, life-affirming choices is a big part of it. Your kids will, in time, need to make their own decisions, independently of you and other caregivers. Your job is to help them develop the values they need to make the right ones. Today,  Homeschool Supercenter offers the following suggestions on how to teach kids to make healthy choices. 

Discuss Your Parenting Goals and Expectations

Communicating with clarity every step of the way is critical to success. You should make your expectations clear – you want them to learn how to make positive choices. Explain why it’s necessary: For instance, you want them to succeed in life, not to mention be responsible adults one day. It’s easiest to teach when the student is willing and supportive of the agenda.

Believe in Them

Your kids look up to you. Your words (and thoughts and beliefs) have a great deal of power over them. Letting them know you believe in them can work wonders for their self-esteem and confidence levels. It’s the motivation they need to start making good choices and keep going when it gets hard.

Teach Through Exercises, Lessons, Games, and Good Examples

Every child learns differently. Your child’s personality should dictate the medium of instruction you use. You could use exercises, lessons, games, stories, and “what if” scenarios – or a combination of all of these. When it comes to small children, try using toys and play objects to help impart lessons. Building towers helps with hand-eye coordination, while pulling a wagon around the backyard to pick up sticks can help them contribute to family chores. When purchasing toys or play equipment, always be sure to follow family care advice that provides ratings and reviews on common products. This helps you make more informed decisions about your purchases and can even ensure safety.

For older children, some parents allow kids to control the grocery budget for a day or two – and let them eat the food they buy, good or bad. Not having enough food (or tummy aches from binge-eating sweets) teaches responsibility and consequences. Others, meanwhile, help teach mathematics by teaching them to balance a mock household budget, from having enough money to pay bills to determining if they have enough money to afford the house of their dreams. For instance, if you look at the average price of solar panels, you’ll be teaching them to be aware of environmental concerns while also reinforcing lessons on economics, responsibility, and planning ahead.

Provide Healthy Foods

A healthy diet is important for children of all ages. Not only does it provide the nutrients needed for growth and development, but it also helps to prevent obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. When children have access to healthy foods, they are more likely to make healthier choices. Furthermore, providing healthy foods helps to create a positive environment around food. So, focus on offering nutritious snacks like nuts and fruit. Always have a vegetable (or two) at lunch and dinner, and help them make a morning smoothie if they need something for on the go.

Provide Choices – and Consequences

When teaching, you must allow your kids to choose, and then experience the choice fully. Without experiencing the result of failure, according to Bright Horizons, your kids won’t understand why positive choices are necessary. Sheltering them from the fallout of a mistake may stop the lesson from sinking in. 

Limit Temptation

Kids are still kids – sometimes you have to protect them from themselves (or others). Don’t hesitate to step in and set boundaries when you have to, without going overboard – say if the child is experimenting with drugs. Setting clear boundaries is critical. It’s a clear no to a child’s behavior when they’re doing something undesirable. It may be difficult to do, but it’s important – it teaches the child self-discipline or saying no to themselves (and others) down the road.   

Encourage Exercise

Encourage your kids to exercise every day. They can also pursue a sport if they prefer. Exercising and sports impart excellent lessons. The various rewards of exercise – a better body and admiration from peers – can encourage them to keep making healthy choices. When choosing an activity, consider martial arts, which offers myriad benefits to both children and teens.

Martial arts help them to develop coordination and physical fitness, it also teaches discipline and focus, which can be helpful in both school and in life. Additionally, martial arts can help to build self-confidence and self-esteem. Kids who take martial arts classes often make new friends and have lots of positive experiences. All of these reasons explain why martial arts is such a popular activity for kids of all ages.

The lessons your child learns from you now will stand them in good stead when they’re older. Too many kids grow up without the foundation they need, which hampers their progress throughout life. It’s the best thing you can do for your child. Don’t hesitate to get help if you need it.

Homeschool Supercenter is in the business of helping parents find the best homeschool curriculum for every student. If you have any questions, please let us know!