Part 3 of 5
Children learn everything, from facts to manners to how to think, from adults. In school there is one teacher and maybe 30 students. So they will ‘learn’ at least as much from the other students as they do from the teacher. How can people with no knowledge pass on knowledge? They can’t – except for things you don’t want your child to learn.
Life is about survival. Those who survive better have more pleasure, and those who don’t survive as well have more pain. While your children are at home they will learn things that will help them with survival including –
How to do real work, like tidying and cleaning. Not sitting around staring out of the window.
How to prepare food and cook, so they stay strong, healthy and smart and can save money looking after themselves.
How to explore new subjects in the multitude of things which aren’t even mentioned in school, such as –
Banking & international business (where the real money is)
Manufacturing, especially heavy industry (where the real money is).
Advanced science (eg study Nikola Tesla, Victor Schauberger)
Alternative health.
Sales (Most things involve sales. You have to sell your children on doing their teeth).
Finance and accounting.
Avoiding the mind control of television and the media (so they can think for themselves).
Growing your own food / farming.
Plumbing & electrician work (again, where there is real money to be made).
Having your own business.
How to think for themselves.
Useful information.
This is as opposed to work which just fills in time. This eventually produces lazy children who don’t know a whole lot, and who don’t want to do physical work or to think for themselves – they are waiting for somebody to come along and spoon feed them what to do with their life. I am not saying that all children end up this way, but if they don’t, it’s because of their parents, not because of anything they learned at school.
A crucial part to learning is being able to go at the speed that is right for you. Sometimes you need to slow down to fully understand something before you can move on to the next step. Sometimes you are way ahead of everyone else, and sitting around waiting for others to catch up is both time wasting and boring, which makes you less interested in the subject. Homeschooled children can go at exactly the pace that they need.
If your child is homeschooled they can pursue a great range of subjects, in addition to the core subjects. Why waste 12 years of life not learning a few new languages or some practical skills or trades in addition? Like:
How to build a house.
How to look after cars.
How to grow food.
How to do whatever businesses the family is involved with.
Cooking and preparing healthy food.
Service projects to fulfill God’s work.
Homeschooling can be done for $200 – $900 a year. In addition to curriculums, supplies, outings and educational toys for young children, the more books and book cases you buy (rather than kindle, which likely affects their brain in unnatural ways), the better.
Even if you send your child to a public school, there will still be expenses. And a top private school can cost $10,000 – $17,000 a year or a lot more.
But the real cost is that much of that money is not being spent efficiently. A school field trip that may cost you $80 may not be anywhere near as effective at producing long term results as a good curriculum or toy bought off the internet. The library, and sharing with others, can provide a lot of material for free.
And you must consider the whole picture when working out the cost of education. For example, consider the cost of taxes and living in an expensive city. Moving to a smaller town where taxes and cost of living is less, and having the mother stay at home to homeschool, can save a lot of money because the mother no longer needs to pay taxes or gas money for the car or fancy clothes for work, or daycare and other expenses. In addition, she can do at home activities which save more money taxfree, like cooking the family’s food instead of buying packaged food, or growing food.
If money is an issue, always look for bargains on ebay.
You may think that you can’t afford to homeschool, but I think that you can’t afford not to. Do you know of teenagers, or for that matter, 30 or 40 year olds, who are so poor at looking after themselves, that they have to come home and live with their parents? I sure know some. And I was like that for a while myself.
School, whether it is public or private, teaches a whole lot of extra things that you don’t want your children to learn, like:
Wasting countless hours playing computer games.
Being a consumer rather than a saver and investor.
Spending money to keep up with everyone else – when the truth is that none of those people care about you, and one day after school you probably won’t see any of them ever again.
Being lazy. After all, kids in school sit on their butts about six hours a day. And a lot of that time is spent staring off into space waiting for something to happen, or gossiping.
Manners are becoming rarer and rarer these days. And yet, good manners can still make a huge difference in whether a person is successful in life, or not. Children at school learn no manners, or pick up bad manners from their peers. This often means that they learn to be bullies or to be bullied.
Children who are homeschooled can learn and keep good manners. Which will make life more pleasant for you as well.
The information and materials that are available to homeschoolers are truly wonderful, and getting more wonderful every day. And thanks to the internet and, they are easy to find, get reviews on, and buy either new or second hand.
Mean while, the level of accomplishments in public schools continues to decline. And the quality of most private schools is still not as good as what you can get as as a homeschooler. (See Saxon Math )
Although people are arguing about California. Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling has a great summary at the back. If I was in a state that is not friendly to homeschooling, I would move to a better state.
The word is out – homeschoolers make better students and go on to make better workers. 3/4 of colleges have procedures for accepting homeschoolers, and many homeschoolers win scholarships. Harvard even has special admission officers who attend homeschool conferences looking for applicants!
There are many young people who owe $20,000 – $100,000+ for college education, that they aren’t using because they can’t get a job anyway, or they have decided they would rather do something else. This is partly because, while jobs for college graduates have gone down, in all areas, college fees have risen by 600%! What a scam! You can’t even go bankrupt on a college debt! It will sure make it harder for these people to get married.
Read Professor Doom’s Expose of the College Scam (click here)
How can schools train people for a time 10+ years in the future, when no one knows what the future holds? This excellent article, “To College Grads: It’s A Different Economy”, shows that things will continue to get worse until at least 2017! Young people are going to need to have their wits about them to survive, and to survive well. Homeschooling gives them the time and resources to develop careers in unique niches that traditional schooling would not even consider.
Here’s another excellent article, “29 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education In America Is A Giant Money Making Scam”, that shows that the US Government is docking social security payments of people who are behind in college loan repayments. And that 70% of college students wish they had spent more time preparing for the real world, which is a lot easier if you are homeschooled.

For more information, see the documentary “The College Conspiracy” at the end of this article.
Or consider a college overseas. If you are going to pay a lot of money for college, make sure they learn something that’s actually valuable.