by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney)
Published - March 9, 2014

Part 1 of 5
” A man’s judgement is only as good as his information” Dr. Stuart Crane
What is Homeschooling? Homeschooling is teaching your own children at home, as it was done before the state took over schools. I will explain:
Dozens of reasons why you should homeschool.
How you can do a much better job than school teachers, no matter what your level of education, so long as you can read. All you have to do is what teachers do – buy books that have a year’s curriculum (program) in them, and do what it says.
Why it is more affordable than you may think.
This information is not meant to insult or belittle any teacher or parent, but the buck stops here. If the quality of our lives is to improve, we need to do things very differently.
The fact is that through sophisticated propaganda techniques, parents and teachers worldwide have been convinced that government controlled schools are “better” for children. That is an error. Parents continue to make “bad” judgments based on “bad” information (propaganda). The important question is, once you have new information, what will you do?
I did not have the luxury of home schooling. It is not a reflection on my parents that I did not have that advantage. Instead, at 11 years old I went to a private Catholic Boarding High School for ladies, in Sydney, Australia. However, I now know that homeschooling is vastly better for improving the quality of life in all aspects, than even expensive private schools.
Reasons to homeschool:
If you don’t believe me, read “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” (now free online).
This was written by Charlotte Iserbyt, who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration.
Most schools teach sight reading instead of sounding out. This is why children cannot read past third grade. Basically, if you can’t sound out a word, you can’t read. Once a child can sound out a word they can:
Look up any word in a dictionary.
Read any name, town or street sign.
Learn new technology.
Read books from long ago when they used words that we no longer use.
Here is totally shocking evidence that schools are deliberately told to stop children from learning to read, that was posted by a parent on a forum. A school sent these notes out to all parents:

This is deliberate sabotage
Teaching a child to read is a remarkably easy process, that can be done in a matter of months, if you do it step by step, by simple sounding out. Teach for about 10-15 minutes a day. Don’t do more than that so your child does not get tired of it.
Note that simple sounding out is not the same as phonics. Phonics teaches a lot of complicated “blends”, which you don’t need, and are confusing. Even if you learned sight reading yourself at school, you should learn the few simple rules you need to sound out any word:
Here are just about the only things you need, to teach anyone to read.
For children, read lots of books to them, preferably from the time they are born. Enunciate words slowly and clearly. Have books in the house. Children are programmed to do whatever you do. If you don’t have books, they will pick up that you don’t think books are important.
When they are about three or older, teach them the alphabet. First read a lot of alphabet books. The best one is likely The Stephen Cartwright ABC
Explain that a letter is a symbol that people write to represent a sound. Letters make up words. Each letter can be written in two different ways, as a capital letter or as a lower case letter. Capital letters are used at the start of a sentence or a name. A sentence is a group of words that tells you something, and that makes sense.
To teach the alphabet and sounding out, say each letter twice. The first time you say the letter, say the normal way the letter is said to someone. The second time you say the letter, give the “sounding it out” sound. Don’t move on until this is mastered. Continue to read lots of alphabet books. eg Say “A ” (ay) “a” (as in cat), “B” (bee) – “b” (buh), “C” (see) – “c” (kuh), D “dee” – “d” (duh), “F” (eff) – “f” (fff) etc. Hang up a chart with the alphabet around the house. And, of course, sing them the alphabet song.
The sounds for “th” (that), “sh” (ship), “ch” (chip), “ph” (phone), ck (clock), “gh” when at end of words (enough).
Some sounds are silent. Just ignore them. eg know, lamb, write, light.
5 letters are called vowels. They are a, e, i, o, u. A vowel is a letter with a sound where you open your mouth. With the other letters, called consonants, part of your mouth joins another part of the mouth. Vowels join two consonants together. Sometimes ‘y’ acts like a vowel.
There are short vowels and long vowels. Long vowels sound like the name of the letter. Short vowels sound like how you sound them out (eg long “e” is “ee”). The library has books about long and short vowels. Get them.
When to use the long vowel sound (when an “e” is at the end of a word, and for the various vowel groups such as oa (road), ee (tree), ea (leaf), ie (relief).
A few other changes to vowel sounds such as “ou” (counter), “ow” (now).
There are a few words where the letters have a weird sound, like “e” in “the”.
Once they can read individual simple words, read simple sentences like “A cat sat on a mat.” Remind them that a sentence is a group of words that tells you something, and that makes sense. It has a capital letter at the start. At the end is one of three things – either a period (.), question mark (?), to show it’s a question, or an exclamation mark (!), to show it’s very important or has a lot of feeling.
That’s it. As I said, even if you learned to recognize “whole words”, learn these simple rules, and pass them onto your children. Basic literacy is not literacy. You must have the tools to expand your vocabulary. Later if you aren’t sure how to pronounce a word, a dictionary will show you how.
Common Core math has obviously been scientifically created to sabotage the child’s mind so that they have absolutely no understanding of math, and hate all learning. This will also lead in many cases to massive behavior problems. See these examples:

These two vids show the kind of results you get from this appalling kind of ‘teaching’:
Common Core – More Info (click here)
3 x 4 = 11 (?). See this vid about Common Core curriculum.
It is called “fuzzy math” – but it is much worse than plain fuzzy. It is deliberate sabotage.
This is why employers now have difficulty finding even manual workers, because they cannot do even basic math problems, called “shop math“.
For example, some schools teach what is called Everyday Mathematics. They do not even teach the multiplication tables! Instead, they teach a weird method of doing multiplication on the hands, which I don’t even understand.
Another method is some kind of box method to do multiplication. Here is one comment that was posted on a forum, by a parent, about this box method:
“He’s in 4th grade. But he tells me it’s easier. Like for example if he has to do 74×3 he will put 70 in one box and 4 in the other. but you still have to get over the hump of 7×3 you know? I had him do one in a box method it took him 10 minutes to do one problem, then I had him do it the traditional way, the way you and I were taught, he had it done in less than a minute”.
It gets worse. The following was posted on a forum during a discussion about homeschooling:
“My grand daughter is in 6th grade in a Florida public school. She is given math work sheets to bring home and complete for homework. Quite often the math questions do not make any sense. The whole family, grandparent, aunts, uncles and older cousins, will try to come up with an answer. Sometimes there is no logical answer.
Her parents went to the school to discuss the problem with the teacher. They were armed with the latest idiotic math question. They asked the teacher what her answer booklet said was the correct answer. Her response was mind blowing to put it mildly.
The teacher does not have an answer booklet, in fact she does not grade the work sheets at all. She collects them and sends them to an outside company for grading. This outside company e-mails the grade scores for each student. The final grade is determined on how many work sheets are turned in. The right or wrong answers are irrelevant. No one checks the student’s work. They only count the number of work sheets.”
I will point out the obvious: Children who do not have math corrected, do not learn any math at all. And it must be hell for them to sit through a class.
Another example: Student’s answer is marked wrong even though it was right, because it wasn’t “friendly”:
The teacher wanted the student to solve “530 – 270 = ?” in the following manner: First, add 30 to both numbers, changing the problem to “560 – 300 = ?”. These numbers are the “friendly” numbers, because they are supposedly easier to work with.
The student, however, simply subtracted 270 from 530 the good old-fashioned way, arriving at the same answer. Unfortunately, this is not a Common Core-approved technique.
The following appalling story was posted on a forum discussing the failure of schools to teach anything. It gives you an idea of who successful the Deliberate Dumbing down of America has been:
“Ordered a combo plate (4.50) and a drink (1.00) from a food vender during a local event. Gave the young lady (18ish) a $20 bill. She looks at her friend, clueless as how to proceed. Her friend begins frantically looking for a calculator…
So I politely tell them it’s $5.50 total and the change should be $14.50.
After consulting each other to make sure I wasn’t trying to rip them off they both agreed that “sounded right”. They then gave me my change. $14.25
Didn’t even bother point out that too was wrong, it would have made one of them cry.”
Here’s another gem:
“Item was 3.96 with tax. I handed the woman four crisp dollar bills. When her register did not give her the correct change to return she had to call the CSM over to reset the machine and rescan the purchase!”
To teach math, get the Saxon math curriculum, which goes right through high school. Get the units and hundreds blocks from MathUSee, but do not be tempted to get the MathUSee curriculum as I did for a number of years (in addition to saxon), and ended up with a lot of unnecessary drama. There are big problems with it, especially from Grade 2 onwards, as the teacher continually violates the 4 Barriers to Learning. It seems to follow the crazy common core systems of doing all it can to confuse the student.
To be good at math, a person needs lots of practice, in using numbers and word problems in thousands of different ways. Saxon Math will give you that. Either your or your child should read aloud the very easy-to-understand written lesson before doing the worksheets.
If you aren’t good at math, you will be after you have done Saxon with your student.
Garbage in = garbage out.
This is done so that big corporations can make billions of dollars. A growing brain grows from what it eats and drinks. If it gets toxins, and does not get enough nutrients, it will not function properly.
Plus you don’t want to poison them with GMOs.
You want your child to be beautiful and healthy. See the great DVD Supersize me.
If your child is at home, you can protect what they eat and drink. Also protect them from WIFI, which is killing millions of people.
Save your life. Learn how to have a healthy diet and lifestyle, read –
Generally, homeschoolers are an unbelievable seven years ahead of public school children in reasoning skills.
Plus, homeschoolers average 77%. Public schoolers average 50%.
Generally, homeschoolers are at least one year ahead academically. Now that you can earn degrees online, they can even earn a degree while others are just graduating from school.
What is the aim of the Public School system? The Public School system was created over a hundred years ago with the aim of producing workers and soldiers. These days you can add to that “consumers” and also people who will help to keep the Crony Capitalists in charge of government.
When you homeschool, you and your child can set your own goals as to what you want to achieve in life. Your goals can be to create happy, healthy, wealthy, spiritual, capable men and women who are able to think for themselves, are financially independent and able to work on making the world a better place for everyone.
The great inventor and visionary Buckminster Fuller talked about how there are lags in different industries. Lag is the time from when an idea is conceived to when it is installed.
The lag in the computer industry is only about a few days.
In the building industry it’s around 30 years.
In the education industry, it’s about 80 years! And that was before Common Core started deliberately dumbing down.
Many public school children don’t care about school work because they are smart enough to know that 95% of what they are learning will not have any practical application in the real world.
What good things did you learn at school that you still use? For most people, it’s just reading and basic maths. Add a bit of science and maybe a couple of other things that you could have learned from reading a few books. A lot of school is about babysitting. (Sitting on the bus, roll call, moving to new rooms, handing out material, collecting material, waiting for other children to answer questions you already know, waiting your turn to have your question answered, doing work you don’t need to do any longer, doing work that was never really useful in the first place, taking a year to read a text book that could have been read in a few weeks).
What better things could you have spent during all that time? When a child is homeschooled, learning never stops, provided you leave materials in the house that can teach him.
What bad things did you learn? For me, I learned that there was something wrong with me. Otherwise, why didn’t everyone like me? I didn’t really get over this problem until senior high school. And it continued to show up in subconscious ways in relationships later, so that I didn’t finally get a happy, balanced life with a wonderful marriage and control of money until my early 30s when I spent thousands of dollars and many hours in different seminars and therapies such as Synergistic Kinesiology.I also learned about other things that I should not have – like alcohol. I now never drink alcohol at all – it’s a drug which poisons the body. That includes red wine – if you want the benefits of red wine without the alcohol, just eat some raw red grapes.
Money and business are virtually never mentioned in school. And yet, understanding these are crucial to surviving, and to becoming successful in life. In a business, money comes in and money goes out. So every person is a business.
I was in the top 10% of my school, which was a well respected private school in Sydney Australia. However, I struggled through life for many, many years after school, even though I gained a Bachelor of Science degree from Sydney University, because no one at any time taught me about the realities of money, finances and survival. It wasn’t until I did some seminars with Robert Kiyosaki that I began to learn something about money and what I needed to do to get out of the rut I was in.
When you homeschool, you have plenty of time to include all kinds of education in subjects like money and business. I highly recommend the brilliant book, If You Want to Be Rich & Happy Don’t Go to School: Ensuring Lifetime Security for Yourself and Your Children, which goes into this subject a whole lot more than I can here in this article.
The following were posted on a forum:
“When I used to hire for projects, I always hired the “home-schooled” kids when they presented themselves, excellent little workers, and they could read, write and add and spoke well. There was a HUGE difference in their knowledge based, morals/values, and work ethics from the “average” population of same age group, HUGE difference. I’ve experienced it, seen it, witnessed it”.
“Home schooled here, I’m odd compared to the average publicly educated person. I consider them to be mostly beneath me, like a mass produced cheaply made human. I’m 30 years old now, a history buff and business owner. Make nearly $200,000 a year increasing roughly $30-$40k each year now.
I’m weird in that I don’t like to party, or drink till I black out or waste my time with small talk. I enjoy my historical research and creating idyllic gardens and parks and coming up with unique ways to manipulate the world around me.
If you were ever invited to my home you would see some amazing structures both living and built with stone and wood. None of which you can buy from a store or find online, just an imagination that has gone wild with a will to make my ideas come to reality and determination never to quit what I’ve started.
We’re all a little wonky; home schooling if done right helps build on your God given skills if done correctly, unlike big box indoctrination centers.”
I cannot more highly recommend “Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling”. In that book she explains how generally homeschoolers are at least one academic year ahead of public school educated children. Often more than that. And when it comes to reasoning skills, homeschoolers are generally an unbelievable seven years ahead!