Death of Public Schools: 40% of Parents Looking at Homeschooling After Lockdown Ends

A recent poll of over twenty one hundred voters is showing that the future of public schools could be in great jeopardy when communities and states come out of lockdowns across the nation.

A survey of 2,122 registered voters by RealClear Opinion Research shows that support for educational choice is very strong, and that a plurality of parents are more likely to pursue homeschooling opportunities after  COVID-19 lockdowns end.

The polling results show that 40% of families are more likely to homeschool or virtual school after lockdowns, and that 64% support school choice.

John Schilling who serves as the president of the American Federation for Children had this to say about the stunning results of the survey:

“Every single family with kids in school has been incredibly disrupted by the lockdowns. With fifty five million students no longer in their normal educational setting, families are clearly considering new options and many are seeing the benefits of homeschooling and virtual schooling.  This is the time for leadership and for desperately needed bold reforms to be implemented across our K-12 education system.”

“Millions of families are seeing the inadequacies of school districts that are too inflexible.  We owe it to our nation’s families and students to give them more flexibility and additional educational options. Moreover, policymakers owe it to the taxpayers who are footing the $800 billion K-12 education bill to maximize their investment by ensuring every child has access to a quality education and outcomes are improved across the board.”

The polling data shows that the support of homeschooling in the fall is supported by 45.7% of voters who identify as members of the Democratic Party, 50% of those who support homeschooling after lockdowns end identify as members of the Black Community, and that School Choice is being supported by at least 60% of voters across the political spectrum.